Sunday 30 October 2011

New summer new yellow dress

To celebrate the arrival of summer I managed to finish this yellow dress. It is a bit longish right now. Good to know that kids grow fast :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Pretty yarn photos

When I have too many works in progress and need a bit of intervention I browse my knitting folders at my PC. Many of pictures are saved from somewhere on the web long time ago and unfortunately I can't find original source any more. But those are just beautiful and inspirational.

Pretty stripes
Stash room any knitter wish for
Perfect yarn balls just awaiting to be knit from
and even Christmas ring for obsessed yarn lover :)

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Stripey contiguous jacket

Of course, I had to try this new top-down construction. Top-down or bottom-up raglans so far are the seamless methods I mostly use although those set certain limitations to designs. So I was keen to find another way to knit seamlessly. I really liked contiguous method, in spite of the first not-so-successful jacket I made using this method. I should have done some more serious calculations before starting, especially regarding sleeve increases. As always, urge to start project was stronger than fear to face mistakes afterwards.

Ah, and this project is made with recycled yarn. I frogged my wool blend mittens, hat and scarf set to reuse the yarn. I realized I wouldn't have ever worn those again and colours were just right for my little miss wardrobe.

Traditional run-away shot at the end of pictures ;)

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Version of Herbivore

My version of Stephen West's Herbivore shawl. Used Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga! sock yarn scraps, total about 100g.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Red Berry Cardigan

This cardigan is knit with twisted knit stitches in most part of the back and throughout the sleeves. A bit tricky on wrong side rows, but easy in sleeves which are knitted in the round. Construction is top down raglan with a bit of modifications in shoulders.

Cardigan is completely seamless. Thanks to a lot of ribbing used and cables it is really stretchy and would fit a child for a long time, several seasons for sure. In the pictures it is modelled by almost 3 year old and nearly 5 year old. Fits well both just have to adjust sleeve length.

Used Bendigo Woolen Mills 100% wool Classic yarn, shade Red Berry, a bit less than 2 balls. I start to like Classic yarn despite it is crepe not plied construction I prefer. It is soft yet durable and machine washable. Good for kids garments.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Crocheted spring hat

I tried to crochet spring hat using yarn that has been in my stash for almost a year now, Ornaghi Filati 100% cotton Malaga . I never know how to use multi colour yarn, especially variegated or self striping with short colour step.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Independently growing stash

Well, not totally independently if have to confess honestly. I have had a lot of fun browsing stores and buying yarn for Not So Sure What To Make need. Fills up the corner of my bedroom just nicely :)

Summer comes and I am sure I will eventually find use of all the beautiful cotton in pastel shades and white and olive green linen. Dark eggplant and creamy merino wool in the back might have to wait for a season change.