Sunday 29 January 2012

I did finish this top!

The top I was talking a while ago in unfinished projects post is finally done! I am happy that I have managed to rework straps and made it wearable.

Saturday 28 January 2012

WIP textured shawl

I am working on this shawl along with several smaller projects. It has been raining a lot recently that has not really provided best circumstances for photo shots.

Friday 20 January 2012

Purple cardigan

This is the cardigan I have been working on this week for a lovely fellow Australian Raveler. Buttons are preliminary until the right buttons arrive and I am about size smaller than the person cardigan is knitted for. Hopefully fit will be better for the real cardigan owner.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Small shawl

Late Christmas gift modelled by two great helpers.

Thursday 12 January 2012

NKR - breakfast serving tray

Much loved serving tray had become rather worn with several marks, cuts and stains on it. I gave my first try to decoupage technique transforming our old breakfast serving tray into newer version of it. Though with a bit of a shabby old look.

That is the picture Before :)
That is the very beginning of the process of putting on bottom layer paint. I forgot to take pics of almost all other steps so this post will not illustrate the process, just a bit of insight.

Playing with motif arrangements.
That's the final result. Lots of mistakes, a bit of disappointment and overall feeling this is not quite for me. I guess I am not patient enough for tiny detail cutting, accurate and careful gluing (I managed to get air bubbles in almost all motives!), and multi step process requires constant attention I don't have most of the time (ie. not forgetting project somewhere outside where it's left to dry until the rain comes).

Sunday 8 January 2012

Christmas gift

Rather late to report Christmas knitting but somehow I didn't get to posting photos earlier. This Christmas gift was for two little girls and two of their most favourite dolls. Each one got booties, cardigan or sweater and skirt, of which I couldn't take photo as it was reported missing just couple days after Christmas.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Pink and brown dress - done!

Finished this on Dec 31st and pics (except the last photo) are taken in our backyard just before we left the house to go see fireworks. For some reasons this dress is a hit and little girl has literally lived in it for a past few days as she really loves it.

Next day I added little snowflake embellishment on front as seen on the last picture. Maybe will add some more as per request (constantly repeated!) of dress owner.